Managed and powered by The Barrington Group EMeIAAA
The unique Investment Package to provide the needs for
the growing global number of people who want to recharge their spiritual batteries or to
surrender to their spiritual while joining us for a stay in our unique spa
retreat ?
Please watch our slide show and then read more about our future plans and
aims and how you can be part of this exciting venture.
Investors will support and help us to construct and offer "Spa Encounters” in a Bedouin style tent village
"ashram style" community to those who need
spa treatments, spiritual solace and retreat. Traditionally, an Ashram ( probably made most
famous in the west by the Beatles) was a hermitage headed by a mystic where
sages live in peace and tranquillity amidst nature. We have no mystics or
gurus, just management and today the term
ashram is used more to refer to an international community formed primarily as a retreat for its guests. The slide show is
a visual representation of a concept which the British Entrepreneur,
Barrington Roy Schiller developed for our unique spa villages where paying guests can come for alternative and complementary
treatments as well as to learn and relax in our spiritual retreat .
Attendance is possible as a long term resident or visitor at one of our locations.
Our villages are spiritual retreats and places of study and application and
we have to scale many more heights and solicit much more co-operation to
achieve our ultimate goal in the upcoming years.
If you would like to invest and be a part of our safe haven and “peace loving - peace
living - peace practicing indiscriminate holistic global village” and wish to recharge your spiritual batteries or to surrender to your spiritual
side please join us where guests and those who need respite can Live with Love, prosperity
and dignity in a harmonious
relationship with like-minded others in a relaxing community in the midst of a diverse thriving culture.
Although advance deposits from guests will enable our villages to be
profitable and self sufficient eventually inital Funding is needed to provide
* Marketing and Presales * Lawyers and accountants* Management* staff * land
for the village, tents and inventory, therapists, teachers and planners to
treat, educate and offer hospitality to the guests who book to join us for a
stay* volunteers ( expenses ) who render selfless service to the village
while living a life of peace and harmony with the environment Although
investments are always
welcome our intention is to be totally self-sufficient and self-funding as
well as repaying investors from the payments from paying guest stays in our Bedouin style retreats. Together with spa treatments guests will be able to take advantage
various alternative and
complementary treatments for which we charge .
1983 - 2012 The Barrington Group | Europe, Middle East, India, Asia, Africa
and the Americas |