






This coming together of professionals fulfils the demand to acquire and pool knowledge and increase the size of our portfolios We look forward to working together with you in this exciting industry and hope that you join us today.

Association of International Real Estate Investors

In today's competitive environment, successful organizations will be those that focus on principles that directly relate to guest satisfaction, professional staff, and quality management techniques that maximize the return of investment and property value.

AIREI is the Real estate and hospitality arm of the The Barrington group EMeIAAA which operates globally as a Multinational Professional services Firm for the legal, financial, taxation , Auditing, Accountancy Advisory , Policy making, Project management and academy needs of our clients  http://www.thebarringtongroup.org/

We strongly believe and recognise that guests have more choice than ever in this day and age and that often only the management and staff training makes the difference between a successful and a non-profitable hotel more than any other factor.

AIREI provides a complete range of services in all phases of developing land for a hotel/ resort with detailed operational planning combined with a clear overview which should  be performed exactly to ensure a harmonic development, new opening and successful operation of the property.

AIREI's performance is able to be delivered due to the following:
- Resort/hotel: Management
- Construction skills and design experience.
- Acquisition skills
- Document Production i.e. concepts, business plans, feasibility studies, - -- Design (exterior & interior)
- Exceptionally strong management skills.
- Worldwide networking
- Creative ways out of difficult managerial and financial situations.
- HR experience
- Outsourcing where necessary to reduce the losses of time and material,

Our involvement in the renovation, refurbishment, development or re-development process of hotels or resorts ranges from complete re-positioning based upon strategic plans to re-furbishing during on-going operations to prepare for sale.

AIREI likes (where possible) to spend a generous amount of time in advance at the location as a mystery guest to determine the strengths, weaknesses and opportunities of the area and the threats to its ongoing success so as to completely understand the idiosyncrasies of the project.
After this we issue a certificate of good standing without which our investors will not invest or purchase a property.

We will only offer our investors properties which we are convinced are able to be managed to perform profitably and successfully. We also recognize the care necessary to cost-effectively blend the old with the new in order to produce the proper aesthetic and financial result. Our solutions are created with the hotel or resort operation in mind, designed for the highest efficiency and effectiveness possible.

For the process AIREI identifies the strategic competencies of a hotel/resort and works with the current land owner to create solutions to exploit the strengths in order to increase the business results or saleability to a more successful and competitive level.

Our commitment to excellence is resolute, regardless of the size or budget of a project. We take pride in our ability to create the biggest effect on the smallest budget being able to make our services available also to smaller (family style) hospitality properties.

AIREI creates reality from an owner’s vision, while satisfying budget considerations, market demands and operational necessities from project planning and design through final construction or refurbishment .We provide comprehensive development and expertise. Whether it is a multi-million dollar mixed-use luxury resort project or a small budget family hotel business, we provide investors a clear definition of a property's position and potential for a maximum result, even with a tight financial plan.

Our holistic approach can decrease the normally incurred costs incurred by developers and owners by up to 40%. As such we only seek funding for projects, that have already completed our due diligence process and where detailed documents have been compiled by Barrington Group EMeIAAA. Without this we will not act as a broker.

Generally we arrange our services into groupings. As we provide a bespoke solution for each property some points are carried out in parallel in accordance with the owner’s instructions and some may not be relevant for all properties.

The Preparatory phase
We will analyse market positioning, the market mix and all marketing and sales strategies required to drive revenues of the property, implement a full service financial analysis on each property and each property will be analysed based on pre-determined standards and efficiencies and against industry norms based on the particular country. We will then base our findings on comparative competing offers to reach a sales price which we believe is rapidly achievable for those who wish to dispose of all or part of the property. We also undertake selection and review or acquisition for investor clients
 Specifically, we undertake the following: ( in no particular order)
Site evaluation of mixed use or single use resort / hotel developments
Preparation of the feasibility study
Benchmarking and market study
Master planning
Concept development
Capital improvement analysis
Story line with financial viability calculations
Life style design
Budget projection
Investment return analysis
Goal Setting
Development of a detailed master plan
Preparation of the business plan
Debt/Equity funding
Feasibility study to include in-depth market potential analysis
Obtain preliminary construction and related cost estimates
Generation of plan for construction phase
Preparation of tender documents
Architectural conceptual design and plans
Co-ordinate input with architects, interior designers, engineers, M & E consultants, etc.
Franchise research
Lease negotiations
Development of annual business plan
Identification and implementation of key objectives
Recruitment, interviewing and hiring of all key personal
Development of pricing
Development of model packages to project operations revenue and expenditures
Co-ordination of entire design team
Initiation of the project:
Project management services
Supervision of planning follow-up,
Co-ordination and development of project
Development of small pocket solutions
Concept and inspirational story with business concept development
Enhancement of property value through renovations/restorations Assistance with Exterior, and Interior design contractor
Review and advise on all design and drawings for all areas, facilities and amenities including landscaping, graphics, and marketing materials
Exterior and interior design concepts and briefs Residences and restaurant (as samples for lifestyle desired), to generate additional revenue.
Co-ordination of all involved parties
Assistance in FF&E ( Furniture, fixtures and Equipment ) purchase
Print and electronic design
Printed and electronic production and distribution
PR activities

Building phase  http://www.airei.com/aireiconstruction.html
Preparation of sample villas / residences / suites / rooms, as a small resort/hotel where required
Architectural execution drawings
Construction and renovation management
Tender documents Procurement (in particular FF, E, & DS)

Interior design execution
Turn Key operation setup
Advise on mechanical and electrical requirements, all FF&E and all operational systems

Sales Phase
Negotiations with banks or other funding communities
Brand/ Corporate Identity tweaking
Preparation of sales brochure(s)
Off plan Marketing
Negotiations with Real Estate Agencies
Sales presentation(s) and negotiation
International Sales agent recruitment
Room sales
Banqueting Marketing
Outside catering Marketing
Assistance with preparation of project plans required by lenders
Sales and marketing support Management phase
Each hotel or  resort is marketed under its own specific strategic plan
Multi-unit Hotel and Resort Management.
Joint Venture Development with Airlines and Tour Operators.
Continuing Professional Management Development.
Trickle down management Training for key leadership positions through seminars, guest experience meetings and controls
Strong stock control Implementation
H&R classification Planning implementation
Health and Safety training
Operating policy implementation including staffing and salary guides
Pre opening procedures and rehearsals
Soft opening
Oversight of  budget, P&L accounts, working capital requirements
Oversight of concepts
Budgeting and forecasting in real time
Revenue management and cost control in real time
Cash flow statements and analysis
Uniform statement of accounts reporting
Financial restructuring (where needed)
Inventory control in real time
Revenue management and banking
Franchise affiliation evaluations
Regulation and agreements Compliance
Concession Management
Administration of all company policies
Performance reporting
Internal control and security auditing
Quality control performance auditing
Revenue enhancement strategy development
Marketing plan implementation
Turn-around solutions implementation
Additional Profits development
Execution of day-to-day performances
Financial reporting
Key personal training and guidance
Disaster planning
Establishment of real time P&L overview
Information technology implementation with real time features
Marketing concept development
Product development and positioning
Internet image marketing and website development/optimization
Additional exposure to major travel websites
Connection to internet booking engines
Collaboration with national and international travel agencies.
Potential Customer identification
Development and implementation of revenue/yield management programs
Development of sales initiatives
Marketing cost/benefit analysis
Graphic design assistance
Public relations
Budgeting and forecasting in real time and/or monthly statements
Revenue management and cost control in real time
Cash flow management
Image Management
Financial restructuring
Major accounts management and reporting
Structure and create complete business improvement plans, improvement feasibility studies with P & L and other financial projections for properties and developments ranging from renovation, restructuring up to new and extension developments where appropriate.

Some Hotels and land owners have found that utilising the "Noblia" retreat brand which we developed as a bolt on can add not only revenue but also image to their location by using the land or grounds as a spa retreat for those wishing to renew their spiritual batteries . This can be run as a totally separate business or integrated as desired . Noblia retreats. http://www.airei.com/indexnoblia.html/a>

As the founder of the Institute of World hospitality Management we are in a unique position to engage only the best staff and suppliers globally

As well as hotel management we also offer the most comprehensive marketing service for real estate sales available globally today with our Russian, German, English, American, Dutch , Chinese, Italian and Spanish sales teams in those countries. http://www.airei.com/realestatemarketing.html.

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