Barry Schiller
1) CrisisManagement
2) LifeManagement
3) LifeTrainer
the course
Lifecontrol has 3 major ways of
helping 1) Crisis Management
Unless you haven't lived you know, or have met, people who have
been in turmoil at some time in their life. As a lifecontrol practitioner
I have had the honour of being able to help some people in these
situations and I would like to help more
Contact me at crisis@lifecontrol.infoif any of the following have happened to you in the recent
Major change in behaviour
thoughts of suicide
Business at risk
Major change in Financial state
Sexual difficulties
Onset of Major illness
Death of a close friend, close family member, or spouse
Detention or potential detention in jail or other institution
Violation of Law (we are as discrete as a doctor or priest)
Divorce or separation from partner
Son or Daughter leaving home
Major stress at work, Uni or school
Being fired from work, Uni or school
Financial difficulties
Foreclosure on mortgage or rent agreement
Unwanted Pregnancy
Alcohol, drug or sex dependency
a life Control and earn up to £20,000 per month