FAMILIES.- Upon arrival participants staying with host families are
met and welcomed at their accommodation by the host family. We are
proud of the fact that our families choose to have participants from
us as guests in their home year in year out
with a family is by far the best way to learn about the language and
lifestyle. Apart from the advantage that in a genuine family the
participant is surrounded by the native language, one of the main
ideas of the participant staying with a family is that he or she
becomes involved with and is made to feel a part of the family and
their everyday life, thus learning more than by staying in a hotel
or just as a paying guest. Many of our participants in past years
have become very involved with their host families, exchanging
recipes with them and teaching them something about their own
traditions and culture in return. The host families enjoy learning
from participants just as much as the participants enjoy their stay
with the family and many long term friendships, visiting each other have
developed. Every host family is visited by us to guarantee
cleanliness - reliability - reasonable distance from lessons - and
friendliness. Most host families take two foreign participants into
their home. We do not allow families to take more as many other
educational centres do. Our stays are therefore with genuine
families and not mini boarding houses. Always check this when
comparing. Participants
will normally be placed in a room with another participant who
speaks the same first language. We especially recommend this in the
case of younger participants. Should you wish to share with a
participant who speaks a different first language this can usually
be arranged. at an extra one – off price or should participants
not wish to share a room this can also be arranged as an extra The
participant receives full-board accommodation, which includes
breakfast, a packed lunch and a main evening meal. Should a
participant not wish to stay with a family hotel accommodation in
all classes can be arranged. The close contact to the family is
though an integral part of the stay for language courses thus
allowing the participant to understand the way the language is
implemented as part of a family in the secure surroundings of a home
away from home. The participants soon overcome their initial shyness
and start to use the language as naturally as they would their
Mother tongue to express their desires and wishes. In close contact
with the language they soon learn how to speak properly instead of
just repeating words and they have great fun comparing the
differences between their native and the host culture. Our families
and courses are chosen because they are not inundated with foreign
participants and they look forward to their guests each year as if
they were friends that they have not yet met